Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year, New Challenges

Well, it's a new year! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and joyous new year! We started off the holidays with a bang. We spent one weekend, well day I should say, driving home to have the annual Semb-Althoff Christmas. We decided to leave really early from Rochester to drive to Rockland, which is about an hour and 15 minute drive, because there was an impending snow storm. I was insistant that we go and get back to try and beat the storm, or most of it anyway. Well, we had a wonderful time at home and we ended up driving back in less than ideal conditions. Our normal drive time was nearly doubled! I really wish we had 4-wheel drive that day although it didn't seem to help everyone! Our Jetta handled quite nicely I must say! Between Rockland and La Crosse we saw at least 6 accidents. Closer to Rochester, we saw a big Tahoe flipped on his roof and no one had stopped yet, so, being a nurse I legally have to stop if no one has or there are not emergency vehicles there. Luckily, the driver was just fine and his only passenger was his dog, who was also fine. On Christmas Day, Chris' family came up and spent the day with us. I made a big dinner and we just relaxed and exchanged gifts.

Not going to lie, it is going to be challenging being apart from my one and only for a full 365 days but I know I will make it. Since this is Chris' first deployment I am trying to figure out everything that I need to do to have all my ducks in a row. For example, insurance with work, bills, and I am hoping we can get our taxes done before Chris leaves so I don't have to try and struggle through those without him. I am just hoping that I can get everything squared away before he leaves. Although I am not looking forward to Chris leaving, I would almost like for him to just go so he can be back sooner. I am taking the week off that Chris leaves and I am looking forward to spending some time with him before I won't get to cuddle with him again for a full year. To be honest with you, if I didn't have the animals, I think I would go nuts! When Chris was in Georgia a couple of years ago I had Beanie with me the whole time and he was my sanity and my little companion. Well, now I have Middy and Boog to keep me company too. Well, I suppose..Chris should be getting home soon and I should maybe think about getting something made for dinner. More postings soon!